Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bread PavBhaji Pizza - BM Style

Hungry in middle of night while playing games with your friends over weekend. Feeling like eating Tasty and Cheesy food
Not sure, to eat Indian Spicy food or American Cheesy food. Mind Says Lets eat Pizza while Heart says Lets have PavBhaji
Simple solution Eat Bread PavBhaji Pizza !!! on the spot. Tried and Tested many times with My Catan Group :) by the time everyone settles down with their initial Build. Pizza is ready.
Thanks Catan Group for trying my various Recipes You guys Rock !!!

Minimum Ingredients required
* Bread - Any kind
* Pav Bhaji Masala
* Veges - Garlic, Onion, Tomato, Bell Pepper (Multi-Color)
* Shredded cheese - Any flavor

Good to have
* Any available your favorite seasoning/masala like - Chat Masala, Italian Herbs Seasoning
* Jalapenos, Musroom
* Coriander leaves

BM Style Preparation
  • Toast Bread in Toaster
  • Simultaneously prepare Pav Bhaji Paste
  • Heat oil, add Garlic, Onions, Tomatoes
  • Add Pav Bhaji masala as per taste
  • Crush them and make it thick paste
  • Put the paste on the Toasted bread
  • Add Finely cut Veges - Onion, Tomato, Bell Pepper, Jalapenos, Mushroom
  • Sprinkle Cheese
  • Finally Sprinkle Chat Masala or Italian Herbs Seasoning or any of your fav. seasoning masala
  • Heat the Bread Pizza in Oven or Microwave or On Gas with covered Lid
Fresh Home Made Bread Pav Bhaji Pizza is ready !!!

Preparation time is 15 mins

Live to Eat

Do not compromise on your inner feelings
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